Economic Analysis of Contracts and Crime
The impact of economic analysis of law on Portuguese jurisprudence.
The impact of economic analysis of law on Portuguese jurisprudence.
“The converging geoeconomic dynamics, identified as globalization, is an integrative phenomenon of the economy in space, built through different cyclical waves of long-term accumulation in the capitalist system since the 15th century, despite divergent geopolitical and geocultural vectors. in the international system. It is a book whose thought-provoking title has as…
The book “Economics” exposes the various current divisions from the point of view of the neoclassical current, and the book presented is based on an analysis of two qualities: microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics is the branch of economics that studies price formation, the main variable that guides the allocation of resources in the context…
From the 6th to the 9th of October 2021, in Jaén, Spain, the XXXIV International Congress of Applied Economics ASEPELT 2021: Economy of acceptance was held, attended by the CARS researcher António Duarte Santos, who presented the work “The Olive sector in Portugal and Spain: a statistical analysis of the linear-circular economic paradigm”. Abstracts of works presented…
A history of economic thought that addresses the influences that great thinkers had on the way societies are organized and people live their daily lives to produce and share the goods and services they need to survive and bequeath to subsequent generations. To understand the reasons why we currently live as…
The beginning of private and cooperative higher education1 took place in 1978 with the Universidade Livre, excluding the Catholic University that operated under the Concordat between Portugal and the Holy See, which was financed by the State for several decades. Private higher education came like this, breaking the monopoly of higher education…