The CARS Researcher Statute is characterized by the strict compliance with the following deontological commitments:
- To take responsibility, within a community of knowledge, for the construction of science as a collective legacy, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in order to foster the humanization of our societies.
- To promote freedom of thought, independence, critical and creative stance, scientific rigor, reliability and credibility of his/her work.
- To respect diversity of values, opinions and preferences of members of the scientific community, which should be plural and denote solidarity.
- To reject any practice of unfair competition among colleagues.
- To accept only the tasks for which he/she feels prepared, in terms of research and “state of the art” methodologies, recognizing the need for continuous training.
- To ensure that the data produced is verifiable. Any uncertainties in his/her findings should be explained, and the distinction between consolidated results and mere hypotheses or speculation must be made.
- To recognize the social responsibility of his/her activity, consider the impact of his/her publications or public positions and avoid that his/her research unduly affects other people.
- To refuse falsification and manipulation of data that may intentionally distort reality and ensure data privacy.
- To refuse any work presented that is the work of others, whether through literal plagiarism or the misappropriation of others' ideas, and avoid quotations by other authors which, taken from the contexts in which they were written, acquire a different meaning than that of the original.
- To give special consideration to the authors of the published texts, mentioning all those who participated in the research, including the students, whose authorization should be requested, and always reference previously published ideas/texts.
- To claim the co-authoring of a text only when there is substantial participation in the work produced and ensure that the names of the authors are listed in accordance with their contribution to the research.
- To actively collaborate with the work teams and reject the retention of information that makes it difficult for other researchers to continue the project.
To actively participate in scientific refereeing, accepting to peer review, ensuring process confidentiality, opinions and respecting deadlines. - To commit not to submit the same text for scientific publication to more than one peer-reviewed publication.
- To respect persons interviewed, inquiries or surveys, informing them of the objectives of the research.
- To respect the culture and the natural and social environment of the human groups involved in the research.
- Establish a transparent relationship with donors, clearly and thoroughly list those organizations that made that specific study possible or which collaborated in its development, as well as respect the ownership of results.
- To expressly declare any conflict of interests, whether in relation to the objects of study or to the funding entities, explaining circumstances that may affect bias.
- To be willingly involved in the organization of scientific events, collaborating in their organization and providing curriculum or any other requested information.