Today it is widely accepted and scientifically proven that only by the virtue of knowledge and information it is possible to evolve to higher levels of development both individually and collectively.
The relationship between the University and other institutions is two-sided given that the entity capable of conveying scientific knowledge is the University, on the other hand, institutions and companies are those who provide the empirical knowledge and practical applications that portray the real world, allowing for a synergetic interaction that drives economic, social and scientific development.
The CARS center is included within this context.
Innovation – in a large measure – is an indispensable mentality of the ongoing transformation of society in an attempt to step towards ever higher levels of social and individual welfare. Furthermore, knowledge is the most effective engine of innovation and, as a result, of personal and social change.
If the University's main goal is to produce and disseminate knowledge, it should be a decisive tool of society that works in tandem with public and private institutions, so that knowledge is applied and therefore change can occur in an effective and efficient manner.
In today's information society – given the rapid pace of change that characterizes modern society – the existence of knowledge-capital is a prerequisite in guiding us through new challenges that emerge from social life.
In order to regard the binomial relationship [University – Institutions (companies)] as effective, efficient and leading towards equity – one of the fundamental values of society – the University must meet the needs of society, an adaptation only feasible if there is active collaboration with society's public and private institutions.
This collaboration shall be even more prolific through constant – open and flexible – dialogue so as to achieve the intended social objectives while each of the two sides maintains its own identity.
In this perspective, the University conducts research in order to create and disseminate science. Its interaction with institutions and enterprises of the productive and regulatory sector provides it with a vision of greater adaptation to the real world allowing it the possibility of making adjustments to its research strands and lectured subjects in order to more effectively contribute to the solution of society's problems .
On the other hand, companies and other institutions (particularly those of public nature) take advantage and gain from scientific knowledge in order to achieve their goals in a more effective and efficient way.
Within the objective of social interaction and in keeping with the Bologna process, CARS research center is committed towards rendering services to the community which stem from its scientific findings.
As a research center at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, CARS is dedicated towards providing students with the ability to research at an early stage in their academic life, integrating them in the process of creating and applying the knowledge they have acquired, in the sense of full human development, increasing their ability to integrate the productive process of society.
As a center for scientific research, CARS shall have as one of its top priorities for the training of its lecturers and researchers through Masters, PhD and Postgraduate programs.
One of the CARS' objectives is turning RESEARCH into economic and social DEVELOPMENT.
Arlindo Donário
(President of CARS)