Edition: 2nd edition | Arlindo Donário and Ricardo Borges dos Santos

The reason for the current state of economic thinking

A history of economic thought that addresses the influences that great thinkers had on the way societies are organized and people live their daily lives to produce and share the goods and services they need to survive and bequeath to subsequent generations. To understand the reasons why we currently live as we do, we will have to travel back in time in search of the roots that gave the fruits that we now experience and determine the way we think, act and interact with each other.

Many of the concepts and ideas that this book addresses appear to be recent, but as the reader will realize, this is not reality. In this journey from antiquity to the present day, the authors show that humanity has been concerned since very early on with issues such as happiness, ethics, work, the distribution of income and wealth, interest and the administration of common goods between other fundamental topics that have determined the way in which today's societies are organized.

For economists and non-economists, a reading that does not require a great deal of prior knowledge of the matters addressed, will lead the reader to (re)discoveries and reflections that will allow him to take sides and form his own opinion on aspects that determine his life and that of others. that belong to your community.