Definition, Objectives, Location and Duration
Article 1
(Nature and Definition)
- The Centre for Economic Analysis and Social Regulation, herein onwards referred to as “CARS” or “the Centre”, is a research unit founded at UAL – Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa.
- The Centre is an organic unit at UAL which conducts scientific research and technological development.
Article 2
The Centre aims to foster research, study, data processing and scientific, technical and professional continuous training to its members and to third parties, both a national and international level, from an interdisciplinary perspective and within the scope of social regulation, namely in the fields of economic analysis of Law, road safety market, insurance and justice.
Article 3
The Centre has two objectives:
- a) Produce and disseminate multidisciplinary R&D projects;
- b) Coordinate and promote synergies among research strands already in existence at UAL and add value to them;
- c) Provide services, priority being also given to multidisciplinary services;
- d) Support advanced training in human resources, namely within the scope of progress in the academic career and supervision of post-graduate work;
- d) Organize seminars, conferences and dissemination activities regarding research results;
- f) Participate in international research networks, fostering participation of researchers in R&D projects and in international conferences;
- g) Promote publication of scientific papers.
Article 4
The Centre is located in Rua de Santa Marta, number 56, Coração de Jesus, Lisbon.
Article 5
The duration of CARS is perpetual.
Chapter II
Article 6
(Human Resources)
CARS has the human resources necessary to ensure its regular activity. Human resources shall be provided by CEU Cooperativa de Ensino Universitário.
Article 7
(Material Resources)
- CARS has the necessary facilities, equipment and budget, allocated by C.E. U., to ensure its regular functioning
- The Centre’s revenue include:
- a) revenue deriving from its members’ participation in teaching and R&D activities;
- b) revenue deriving from services and selling of publications;
- c) subsidies, participations, donations, inheritance;
- d) any other revenue legally pertaining to it
Article 8
(Categories of members)
- CARS members are:
- a) Permanent researchers;
- b) Guest researchers;
- c) Assistant researchers.
- Permanent researchers of CARS are those holding a PhD (or equivalent degree) conducting research in the scientific areas of CARS who, wishing to become members, are granted membership pursuant Article 10 of these Statutes.
- Guest researchers of CARS are those holding a PhD (or equivalent degree) who temporarily conduct research in CARS at the invitation of one of the Centre’s permanent members.
- Assistant researchers are those who do not hold a PhD degree (e.g. university assistants, research assistants, etc.) and who conduct their research activities in CARS under the academic supervision of a permanent researcher of CARS.
Article 9
(Rights and Duties)
- CARS members have the right to:
- a) Participate in the Centre’s activities;
- b) Use the Centre’s resources.
- CARS members must:
- a) Contribute towards attaining the objectives described in Article 3 of these statutes;
- b) Abide to the Statutes and, in particular, to the decisions of CARS governing bodies.
Article 10
(Admission and Exclusion of Members)
- Admission and Exclusion of CARS Members can only be made effective upon decision by the Scientific Council, upon proposal by the Board.
- The admission and exclusion of permanent researchers must be approved by a majority vote of the members of the Scientific Council.
- All proposals for admission or exclusion of CARS members must be submitted in writing to the President of the Scientific Council, via its Coordinator, and they must be duly grounded.
Chapter IV
Article 11
(Governing Bodies)
The Centre shall have the following governing bodies:
- a) The Board of Directors;
- b) The Scientific Council;
- c) The Follow-up Unit.
Section I
Board of Directors
Article 12
(Composition and Competences)
- The Board of Directors shall be formed by:
- a) President;
- b) Up to two board members.
- The President is proposed by the Scientific Council and approved by CEU/UAL.
- The President appoints the other member(s) of the Board of Directors, ratified by CEU
- The Board of Directors is responsible for the management and administration of CARS, namely:
- a) Represent the Centre;
- b) Assist in the Centre attaining its objectives;
- c) Coordinate the activities of the Centre;
- d) Submit the bylaws of CARS to the Scientific Council for approval;
- e) Propose a budget and annual activities plan to the Scientific Council and ensure its implementation;
- f) Submit the composition of the Follow-up Unit to the Scientific Council for approval;
- g) Obtain and manage the necessary funding needed to operate CARS;
- h) Prepare the annual financial report and accounts for approval by the Scientific Council
Section II
Scientific Council
Article 13
(Composition and Competences)
- The Scientific Council is composed of permanent researchers and is chaired by the Scientific Coordinator, who is elected among his/her peers.
- The competences of the Scientific Council include:
- a) To decide on the policy of academic research and advanced training of its human resources;
- b) To approve applications by CARS researchers to national and international funding programs;
- c) To approve its bylaws;
- d) To issue an opinion on the budget, annual activities plan and activity report, which must be submitted to C.E.U for approval;
- e) To issue an opinion on the composition of the Follow-up Unit proposed by the Board of Directors;
- f) To issue its opinion on the establishment of agreements and service rendering contracts with other institutions, which must be submitted to C.E.U for approval;
- g) Propose amendments to bylaws, to be approved by C.E.U.;
- h) Approve the admission and exclusion of researchers.
- The Scientific Council meeting shall be convened by it’s the Board of Directors or at the request of at least a quarter of its members.
Section III
The Follow-up Unit.
Article 14
(Composition and Competences)
- The Follow-up Unit is appointed for 3 years and includes a minimum of five specialists or individuals of acknowledged competence in the scientific field(s) of the Centre. The Follow-up Unit is made up of only external members and, if possible, should include foreign researchers.
- The competences of the Follow-up Unit are:
- a) To analyze annually the functioning of CARS;
- b) To issue opinions on CARS annual activity report, activity plan and budget.
Section IV
Common Provisions
Article 15
(Meetings, Decisions and Term of Office)
- Decisions by the Scientific Council and the Follow-up Unit are valid if approved by the majority of its existing members in office, respectively.
- Decisions are passed by majority vote of the members present.
- The term of the Board of Directors is three years and shall terminate upon the election of a new board.