Nature, Objectives, Headquarters and Duration

Article 1

(Nature and Denomination)

1. The Center for Economic Analysis of Social Regulation, hereinafter abbreviated as “CARS” or “the Center”, is set up at UAL – Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, being a private research unit.

2. The Center is constituted as an organic unit of UAL, and carries out its activity in the field of scientific research and technological development.

Article 2


The main purpose of "CARS" is to promote research, study, processing of information and permanent scientific, technical and professional training of its members and third parties, at national and international level, in a multisectoral and interdisciplinary way within the scope of regulation. in the area of economic analysis of law, the road safety market, insurance and justice.

Article 3


The Center aims to:

a) The production and dissemination of R&D projects, favoring multidisciplinarity;

b) The articulation and promotion of synergies between lines of research already existing in the CEU/UAL, adding value to the respective domains;

c) The provision of services, also giving priority to multidisciplinarity;

d) Support for advanced training of human resources, namely within the scope of teaching career development and supervision of postgraduate work;

e) Holding of seminars, conferences and activities to disseminate research results;

f) Integration into international research networks, encouraging the participation of researchers in R&D projects and international conferences;

g) Promoting the publication of scientific articles.

Article 4


The Center is headquartered at Rua de Santa Marta, number 56 in Lisbon, parish of Coração de Jesus, municipality of Lisbon.

Article 5


CARS lasts indefinitely.

Chapter II


Article 6

(Human Resources)

CARS has the necessary human resources to ensure its regular operation, which will be allocated to it by CEU – Cooperativa de Ensino Universitário, according to its availability.

Article 7

(Material resources)

1. CARS has the facilities, infrastructure, equipment and budgetary allocation to ensure its regular operation, which are assigned to it by CEU

2. The Centre's own income includes:

a) Those arising from the involvement of its members in teaching, research and development activities;

b) Those arising from the provision of services and the sale of publications;

c) Subsidies, subsidies, co-participations, donations, inheritances and legacies;

d) Any others that you can legally obtain.

Chapter III

of the Members

Article 8


1. There are the following categories of CARS members:

a) Permanent investigators;

b) Invited researchers;

c) Assistant researchers.

2. Permanent researchers are researchers with a doctorate (or equivalent) who, exercising activity in the scientific areas of CARS and, expressing a desire to adhere to it, are admitted under the terms of article 10 of these statutes.

3. Invited researchers are researchers with a PhD (or equivalent) who carry out their research activity temporarily at CARS, at the invitation of a permanent researcher of the Centre.

4. Research assistants are non-doctoral researchers (university assistants, research assistants, grant holders, etc.) who carry out their research activity at the Center under the scientific supervision of a permanent researcher.

Article 9

(Rights and duties)

1. CARS members are entitled to:

a) Participate in its activities;

b) Use your resources.

2. CARS members have the duty to:

a) Contribute to the achievement of the objectives set out in article 3 of these statutes;

b) Respect the statutes and, in particular, comply with the decisions of the management bodies.

Article 10

(Admission and Exclusion of Members)

1. The admission and exclusion of CARS members is the responsibility of the Scientific Council, after a proposal by the Board.

2. The admission and exclusion of a permanent researcher must be approved by the members of the Scientific Council, and the votes must be approved by majority.

3. All proposals for admission and exclusion of CARS members must be submitted in writing to the Scientific Council, through its Coordinator, and must be properly justified.

Chapter IV

From the Organization

Article 11

(Management bodies)

The Center has the following management bodies:

The direction;

b) Scientific Council;

c) Monitoring Unit.

Section I

From the Board

Article 12

(Composition and Skills)

1. The Board is made up of:

the president;

b) Vowels, a maximum of two.

2. The President is proposed by the Scientific Council and approved by CEU/UAL.

3. The constitution of the Board is the responsibility of the President, and must be ratified by the CEU

4. The Management and administration of the Centre, namely:

a) Represent the Centre;

b) Promote the achievement of its objectives;

c) Coordinate the activities of the Centre;

d) Submit the CARS internal regulation to the Scientific Council for approval;

e) Propose to the Scientific Council the budget and annual plan of activities and ensure the implementation of the approved plans;

f) Present to the Scientific Council for deliberation, the composition of the Monitoring Unit;

g) Obtain and manage the funds necessary for the functioning of CARS;

h) Annually prepare the report and accounts for consideration by the Scientific Council.

Section II

From the Scientific Council

Article 13

(Composition and skills)

1. The Scientific Council is made up of permanent researchers and is chaired by the Scientific Coordinator, who is elected from among his peers.

2. It is incumbent upon the Scientific Council:

a) Define the policy for scientific research and advanced training of human resources;

b) Approve the application of researchers to any national and international funding programmes;

c) Approve its internal regulations;

d) Issue an opinion on the budget, plan and annual report of activities, which must be submitted for approval by the CEU;

e) Issue an opinion on the composition of the Monitoring Unit proposed by the Directorate;

f) Give an opinion on the establishment of agreements, agreements and service provision contracts with other institutions, for approval by the CEU;

g) Propose amendments to the Statutes, for approval by the CEU;

h) Approve the admission and exclusion of researchers.

3. The Scientific Council is convened by its Coordinator, on its own initiative, or at the request of at least a quarter of its members.

Section III

From the Monitoring Unit

Article 14

(Composition and skills)

1. The Monitoring Unit, with a mandate of three years, is formed by a minimum of five specialists or individuals from outside the Center, with recognized competence in the respective area, and should include foreign researchers, whenever possible.

2. It is incumbent upon the Monitoring unit to:

a) Annually analyze the functioning of CARS;

b) Issue opinions it deems appropriate, namely on the annual activities plan and report and the Centre's budget.

Section IV

common provisions

Article 15

(Meetings, Deliberations and Mandates)

1. The deliberations of the Scientific Council and the Monitoring Unit are only valid as long as the majority of their members are present in effective functions, respectively.

2. Decisions are taken by majority vote of the members present.

3. The term of office of the Board is three years and only ends with the entry into office of the new holders.